
Skipping Stones Game

When you find yourself with a friend on a beach, and lazying around turns to boredom, this game comes handy.

Game goes like this:

  1. Each player picks 5 stones for themselves and 5 stones for each other player. So if you have 2 players you pick 10 stones. Stones have to be small enough, to be covered by a palm of your hand, yet big enough to not be covered by your thumb.
  2. Each player keeps 5 stones (they probably want nice flat ones, that will skip well!) and gives 5 stones to each of the other players (you probably want to hand out “bad” stones that will not skip well).
  3. Players then take turn skipping stones, one at a time. Player gets 1 point for each “impact point” on the water surface. So if a stone simply hits the water and sinks, without skipping, that is one point. Single skip is 2 points as it makes 2 impact points. Maximum amount of points for a single throw is 5. A “slider”, when a stone planes over the water like a planing speedboat, also gives you 5 points. All players observe and should agree on the scoring. If players can’t agree and start fighting, entire game is forfeit and you are not allowed to play this game for at least one week. Also, grow up, and stop being so  damn competitive. It’s supposed to be fun!
  4. After all the stones are thrown, player with most points wins.
  5. Tie is broken by throwing one stone each, until one player gets more points for throw than the other one, in which case that player is a winner.